Taking Back America is a one hour interview show broadcast every week on the StarCom Media Network. Each week, Dr Staggenborg interviews a person working on challenging a corporate-dominated society and government in different ways, from political activism to promoting spiritual awakening to educational efforts of all kinds.

If you want to hear the live broadcasts, check your local listings. If you do not get the show on radio you can listen to live recordings or podcasts.

Below are links to the podcasts from each of our shows. More complete descriptions are available on our show page at BlogTalk Radio. You can get automatic reminders and descriptions of future shows by hitting the "follow" button on the show page.

Mideast Peace with Miko Peled  Son of Israeli general and grandson of Israel founding father talks about why he has renounced Zionism and calls for a one-state solution in Palestine/Israel. The role of the military-industrial complex in preventing a solution is discussed.

Saving the Commonwealth with Bethany Woody and Joel Gallegos Two Native American representatives from the ANSWER (Act Now to Stop War and Racism) coalition talk about the ways in which Native Americans are coming together around environmental and property rights issues and joining with activists working for social justice in other ways to create a unified movement for change.

"Just War" or just war? Pastor Mary Sue Evers discusses the just war theory and today's wars are critically examined in light of the theory and the economic factors that appear to be driving war for corporate Empire.

Healing the Wounded Warrior with Marilyn McWilliams A therapist and researcher with Veterans Stress Project talks about PTSD and a startlingly new effective treatment that could challenge the pharmaceutical industry in treating this scourge caused by the military-industrial complex.

Steady State Economy with Rob Dietz Former Executive Director of Center for a Steady State Economy talks about the issues of building a sustainable economy in a world of finite resources as described in his new book Enough is Enough.

Main Street Democracy with Lee Mercer The Executive Director of Main Street Alliance of Oregon talks about the many ways that what is good for multinational corporations and the politicians they support is not good for main street business owners and what they can do about it.

Being Muslim in America with Laila Yaghi An American Muslim whose son is in prison on vaguely defined "conspiracy" charges talks about the social and legal discrimination against Muslims in America.

The Injustice System with Mary Ellen DiGiancomo The Director of 4 Justice Now talks about some of the scocking experiences of women with the criminal justice system.

Path to Mideast Peace with Rich Forer Author of Breaththrough: Transforming Fear Into Compassion, A New Perspective on the Israel-Palestine Conflict discusses how his personal transformation radically shifted his sense of identity as a Jew to one as a human being before all else, and how the lesson he learned could be the breakthrough necessary for Mideast Peace.

Drones Over America with Coleen Rowley FBI whistelblower and Time magazine's co-woman of the Year discusses the significance of increasing drone presence in America, projected at 30,000 in the near future.

Understanding Health care Reform with Dr. Mike Huntington President of Health Care for All Oregon and representative of Physicians for a National Health Program talks about why we need true universal health care to address the problems that remain unaddressed under the Affordable Health Care Act.

Defining Tax Fairness with Karl Eisenbach Political analyst deconstructs myths about what constitutes "fairness" in the US tax system.

Beyond Partisanship with Karl Eisenbach Political analyst talks about the dangerous illusion of a two party system when the politicians of both  are under severe pressure to put big-pocketed special interests over the rest of their constituents.

Costs of the Drug war with Jennifer Alexander Marijuana legalization activist discusses the social and economic costs of what she argues is a failed war on marijuana. Aired just before the Oregon, Washington and Colorado voters weighed in on the issue.

What is a Conspiracy? with Al Anderson SFPI Radio co-host Al Anderson discusses what a "conspiracy" is and why we should be wary of those who ridicule any attempt to ask hard questions about suspicious behavior of the US government.

Starting a Global Conversation with Sarah Wilkerson Founder and Executive Director of Project PeacePal talks about her efforts to launch a direct conversation about peace between students in the US and in war-torn regions.

Local Organizing for National Change with Jessica Campbell. Field Organizer for Rural Organizing Project of Oregon talks about her experiences as an organizer at the local, state, national and international levels from high school to her current position with ROP.

Creating a Sustainable Economy with Rob Dietz The Executive Director of Center for a Steady State Economy talks about why the idea that an economy can be built on endless growth is a dangerous delusion and what the alternatives are.

Saving our Schools with Susan Barrett The Director of Save Our Schools-Oregon talks about the problems of today's education system, the false promises of "reform" and what it will really take to educate first-class citizens.

Modern Recruiting for Today's Wars Rick Yahnkow of Project YANO talks about methods of military recruiters and what parents and other interested adults can do to counter the propaganda and allow children real choices.

Taking on the Banksters with Nancie Koerber The Executive Director of Project REconomy discusses the roots of the economic collapse of 2008 and what homeowners can do to protect themselves from the continuing consequences of the derivitives scam.

War and the Soul with Dr Edward Tick Dr Tick discusses the implications of conceptualizing PTSD as a "soul wound" for successful treatment of PTSD, as described in his book War and the Soul.

Will War End? with Captain Paul Chappell  Captain Chapell talks about his book on the causes of war and what must happen to end it.

Global Ecumenical Justice with Jim Moos Reverend Moos talks about his work with Global Ministries to promote an ecumenical movement for peace and justice in the world.

Waging Peace with Simon Hirak The Director of Marquette University's Center for Peacemaking talks about what they are doing on a local, national and international level to educate the public about powerful ways to promote peace.

Pledge to Amend with Aldous Tyler Former Democratic Presidential candidate talks about why he supports the Pledge to Amend campaign.

Lobbying and Democracy with Paul Winger Former union lobbyist talks about the dangers of unfettered access to power of the lobbying industry.

Blood on the Tracks with Brian Willson Vietnam vet and renowned peace activist talks about his book on his transformation from rabid anticommunist to peace activist.

The Cost of Free Trade with Elizabeth Swager (Current) Director of the Oregon Fair Trade Campaign discusses the dangers of the Trans Pacific Free Trade Agreement.

Real Alternative Radio with Bob Williams Founder and CEO of StarCom Media talks about his vision of an organic network of small, privately owned radio stations around the country.

People's Congress with John Mulkins Founder of a movement to create a People's Congress to debate the issues that Congress won't address.

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